Words & Wisdom- The happy emotion!


Happiness is an emotion which lies within us.
— Amreen @ Paint The World With Words


Happiness isn’t something to be searched in the tangible aspects of life, but it is an emotion which can be found in abundance within ourselves. A change or a positive change happens and begins with us, from us and through us. If only we could be content of ourselves and be happy of what we own, happiness will surround us forever and ever, isn’t it?

What are your thoughts about being happy? What are your ways to stay happy and blissful? Share your thoughts in the comment section.


8 thoughts on “Words & Wisdom- The happy emotion!

  1. Happiness is in small things. Its in the smile of a person whom you helped in gratitude. In satisfaction after a work out. And of course after each post in the blog! Have a year filled with happiness!
    Ramya P

    Liked by 1 person

  2. True that! We often search for happiness in things big, but it remains within ourselves and our perception of things. Its actually in small things that we often don’t notice.
    Ramya P

    Liked by 1 person

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