6 awesome tips to dress up your stylish kids!

Fashion is expression

… and is not just limited to us adults, but kids also. We are already head-over-heels in love with kids and their innocence, but these adorbs can rise in style with fashion clothing and add a cute glamour to their tiny self. Awww!

This post is all about those tiny little angels we have in our lives and will showcase some of my favorite collections from Kraftly (It is my fashion destination these days! Did I forget to tell you that this post is inspired by their collection?) and also tips on how to up the cute factor of your kid’s personality with style.


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1. Comfort is not equal to pajamas

We all say that our style should be at our comfort, but pajamas is not always the answer. Try over-sized t-shirts and leggings or cotton pants to get that comfort look, while still showcasing style.



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2. The Pattern game

Patterns are not just for us, but for babies too. So, try out patterns in the same color shade for kids’ apparel, thus adding a fresh look in our kid’s wardrobe.


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3. Go Big

Kids are ever-growing and hence, always buy one or two sizes bigger than your child’s actual size. In case of tops or t-shirts, make sure they are stretchy and comfortable.


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4. Accessorize the look

It is very important in term of kids too! A cute little belt at the waist on an over-sized shirt for girls and cool boots over a clean look for boys are just an example.


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5. Layer them out

Yes, you heard it right! Layering can add a lot of value to a child’s look. You can also mix-match or re-purpose old clothes for a look. An old t-shirt can be used as a crop top for girls.


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6. Coordinate styles

It is not always so that a kid needs to dress up like a kid and try dressing your kid in mini versions of your clothing to seem style coordinated at times. It is fun!

Hope this post was useful! Do you like dressing up your kid in fashion? Share your ideas in the comment section.

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